Precise, free, every day use calculator with scientific features. Good for simple and advanced calculations!
Fast, smooth, easy to use
This app has simple yet intuitive interface that lets you calculate fast, smooth, and easy. Our calculator provides all kinds of features that meet your calculating needs and demands.
Supported Operators
- Basic or root operators: +, -, x, ÷, +/‒, 1/x
- Misc. Operations: %, √, x!
- Brackets: ( )
- Trigonometry: cos, sin, tan, ctg
- Logarithms: log
- Constants: π, ℯ.
More features:
- Swipe left/right to switch views
- Swipe left for standard mode, swipe right for other operators
Standard mode/Scientific mode
- Tilt to switch between standard mode and scientific mode
Trigonometric functions in degree
- sin, cos, tan, ctg in DEG
Easy edit operations
- Such as copy or paste of results
Thousand separators
- Helps you count the numbers easily
Allows a combination of operators in one expression
- e.g. √(45÷5) + sin(60-2)
Perfect calculator for students!
If you need any help, please contact with us:
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